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Indexing Problems in Google Crawled, Currently not indexed Discovered and currently not indexed

Addressing the issue of pages being crawled but not indexed by Google involves troubleshooting various potential causes. Below is a comprehensive solution that covers common issues: Check for Noindex Meta Tag: Ensure that the pages don't contain a meta tag with name="robots" and content="noindex". This tag instructs search engines not to index the page. Review the HTML source code of the pages in question to confirm the absence of the noindex meta tag. XML Sitemap Submission: Verify that the pages are included in your XML sitemap. Submit the sitemap to Google Search Console. Check for any errors or warnings related to the sitemap in Google Search Console, and address them accordingly. Robots.txt File: Confirm that your robots.txt file doesn't disallow crawling of the pages. Googlebot should have access to the pages. Check Google Search Console for any crawl errors related to the robots.txt file. Canonical Tags: Ensure that canonical tags, if used, are corre

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